
EST. 2017






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Hi, y’all! Welcome to the wedding blog, a journal about my couples, weddings, travel, and family. Stay a while and say hello!

Hi, I'm Julia


open post

They say the first year of marriage can be the hardest. Though I’m not quite sure who ‘They’ is, I can contest that the first year of marriage is usually a big adjustment for most couples. But some couples have more obstacles than others. Like 800 miles worth of obstacles! Yep, you read that right, 8000 miles! Can you imagine being married and celebrating the greatest moment of your life and a month later, saying goodbye to that love for a whole year?? I can’t! But that is exactly the situation our next PHOTO’S FOR HEROES winners, Greg and Krystle Miller, found themselves in a little over a year ago. Their love story is just like a fairy-tale filled with fables of true bravery, a noble quest, perseverance and above all else, love!


Photos for Heroes


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In the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic it is easy to be scared, anxious, and lonely. We have all shut ourselves away from the world physically, cut off from our family and friends, longing for the day we get to reemerge into society. Our separation puts into focus what matters and what we hold most dear. I am longing for the day I get to hug my mom and dad again.

The Barry Family

Photos for Heroes


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I knew this session was going to be special but nothing could have prepared me for what it became and the beautiful family I was going to meet! I remember how nervous I was standing on the field at Wild Berry Farm Market watching the He family arrive and step out of the car.

Cashmere & Kirr

Photos for Heroes